I left scool on the 31/5/77, and it was one of the best days of my life!!!. They say that your school
years are the best, that's a load of crap!, they were my worst, and I have never regretted leaving school once.
I got myself a job lined up at a local bedmaking factory as a sewing machinist, funny, I had always
been afraid of the sewing machines in Needlework at school?. The first day I started, I felt too shy to go in, a girl called
Teresa came walking up the yard and asked me if I was supposed to start there?, I told her yes, so she took me in with here
and she was one of my friends all the time I was there. I quite enjoyed my job and at least I was doing something and
getting paid for it. My first weeks wages was £20.00, I gave my mum £5.00 towards the bills and the rest was mine. I went
and bought myself a gingery coloured short fur jacket, it cost me ten quid!. I made friends with a girl called Sue there,
she was kind of funny in her own little way, she was a year older than me, but I always felt like I was her big sister. I
used to protect Sue when her ex Pakistani boyfriend used to come following her around and bothering her. I used to go down
Sues house sometimes too. It was funny when she got engaged to her next door neighbour Robert, I sat in the front room with
her brothers and their mates watching the wrestling on TV instead of joining in with the party.
A bit later on,I made friends with a girl called Linda there, she was quite a few years older than
me and she was in love with one of the blokes that worked in the next room, his name was Dave, and she used to follow him
around like a little puppy. I don't know if anything ever happened between the two of them?, she said it did, but I don't
know?. Me and Linda used to go out for the odd drink or ride around in her car, but I think that she used to ride around and
look for Dave more than anything else, oh, she was also an avid fan of Elvis Presley, not my cup of tea, but everyone to their
own eh?.
This Dave used to always 'psst' me as I went by and he always used to say hello sexy to me, I just
used to ignore him, he was very good looking and all that, but I only had eyes for Andy....
Before anything ever hasppned with Andy though, I somehow got to go out with a bloke called Jim.
I knew Jim from going to the local Wimpy bar, he was the head chef there. I wnt out with him, thinking that he was Italian,
when actually, he was Turkish. When I think of it now, he used to treat me really nice, but I didn't treat him very nice
in return. At nearly 17, looks are important to you, and I didn't think that Jim was nice looking, it seemed to pass me by
that he treated me nice. I was just afraid someone that knew me might see me with this not very nice looking man?. How awful
and shallow is that eh?. I wish I could meet up with him now and apologise for being so silly when I was younger. I never
went to bed or anything with Jim, he used to ask me though, and I always said no. I didn't fancy him at all. When I was going
to give myself like that, it was going to be to the one I loved, to the one that I would marry and live with happily ever
after. Oh, if only I knew then what I now now. I just used to go to the nightclub Tuesdays with Jim on Friday and Saturday
nights. Sometimes, But I even used to get my sister to go and tell him some excuse for me not to see him that night. In the
end, I just stopped going into the Wimpy bar, just so that I could avoid him.... Sorry Jim, I treated you really mean, but
don't worry, I've paid for it since.
I loved going to work, it was so much nicer than school, and you got paid for it at the end
of the week. When I was working at this place is when I met my first 'real' boyfriend, my first real love. He worked there
to, in the room just ouside of where I worked. His name was Andrew, he was half Irish and half Romany Gypsy, he was
27 and looked the spitting image of Clark Gable, except that Andrew had longer hair. He was always laughing and joking about,
he used to hide and throw things from behind his machine at me and call out my name in a very high pitched voice, of course,
being young and naive, I took it all in, I was also very shy with a lot of people.
I had been working there for a few months and I went to the nightclub called 'Tuesdays' one Friday
night, I went with this girl whom I had known for years called Denise, she was a couple of years older than me. I was walking
across the dance floor and suddenly in front of me was Andy,we both looked agog and said at the same time "oh no!, not you!"
and burst out laughing. Andy ended up walking me home and we arranged to meet the next night at the local pub, 'The morning
star', but,silly me, I didn't realise he meant inside, so I waited outside for about an hour and then walked home crying my
eyes out. On the Monday morning I saw him and just stuck two fingers up at him. I suppose I should have left it like that
eh?. If only we could see into the future, but would we change things, I don' know, probably not at that age?.
My brother Paul decided to take me to the pub with him a few weeks later, yes, The morning star,
me and him got chatting to Andy, I then realised my mistake, so me, Paul, Andy and another bloke called Paul went out on a
pub crawl in Andys beat up old car. I ended up seeing Andy off and on for a year and a half, trouble is, on the nights that
he wasn't seeing me, he was seeing other girls!, but I was too stupid to realise that, even his own friends tried to warn
me, but I wouldn't listen to them, I felt that I really loved Andy at that time.
We used to go pubbing in the Star, and we used to go to a nightclub called the 7.50, I just always
wanted to be with Andy, everyone knew how I felt about him, I never tried to hide it... Then Sharon came to work at
our place,s he was full of herself, not like me. She had great big boobs and used to flaunt them all over the place, basically
she was a tart, I'm not being bitchy here, but she wasn't even pretty!, her black eyeliner always looked like it was just
scrubbed round in a wide circle, she looked like Uncle Festus from the Adams family. Me and her used to go out together, she
would always be throwing herself at some bloke, she was even after Dave, who Linda was in love with. I just wanted Andy, but
he wanted her!, oh, story of my life just starting here. So this night, up the 7.50, she got off with him, I went home broken
hearted. On the Monday she packed in her job and buggered off, she knew that everyone in the factory knew how I felt about
Andy, and I don't think she would have been left with many friends?, she had already shown her metal when she skived off one
day, she'd told the ladies that her mother had had a heart attack!. One of the ladies had seen Sharons mum down the town that
day, so they thought she was a wicked little bitch for that.
Andy came crawling back to me, of course, silly, soft me took him back, my mum had just been kicked
out by my dad for having an affair with one of her many in our lives. I met up with Andy on the Saturday night, we went out
clubbing and then back to mine, you can guess what happened?, talk about take advantage of the situation, but you don't see
it like that at the time do you?. Anyway, when he'd finished, I thought to myself 'god, is that it?, I could do better myself!'.
Even though I had been pure up until then, quite a novelty for a girl to be 17 and a half before she got shagged!. I
had to laugh though, it was my first time and it was 18/6/78 fathers day hahahaha, quite apt don't you think?. It's funny,
I had always been a sexual kind of person ever since I could remember and you'd think that your very first time would
be made special wouldn't you?, this certainly wasn't, I'm glad it didn't put me off for life though.
Well this all went on for a couple of months more, he was still seeing me and Sharon, then he decided
that he only wanted her. Still, he eventually got paid back, she took him for everything she could and then dumped him. In
the meanwhile, I hadn't come on for a couple of months, I went to the Doctors thinking I was pregnant?, he said I wasn't,
but a few weeks later, I lost this kind of lump, it looked like a lump of skin all covered in blood,I still say to this
day that I'd had a miscarriage. At this time, we had a Scots girl working with us called Tina, she had made friends
with Sharon and used to go running back to her and telling her what I was talking about at work, like me thinking I was pregnant.
Sharon and her ugly friend Eileen, who had joined her in Wycombe from Wiltshire, came upto me whilst I was talking to Sherrys,
another of Andys conquests. Sharon started shouting at me about leave Andy alone, he was hers?!!, and I couldn't be pregnant
as he had never touched me?. Because she had her big ugly friend there, she thought she was really tough, and hit me around
the head. I just looked at her and glared, she sort of looked a little frightened,turned heels and scarpered off down the
road. That's the last I ever saw of her for years too... Anyway, Tina soon found out what kind of slapper Sharon really
was and started getting friendly with me, I also had known Tinas boyfriend for a couple of years from the Polish club, so
they started coming around my house and made friends with my dad and the rest of my family. With Tina going for an interview
at another place and me accompanying her, I left my job for another with her, as I didn't want to set eyes on Andy anymore,
and the woman interviewing Tina, asked me if I wanted a job too?, so I took it.