This is one of my real favourite films of, Jeans. Jean, plays a policeman, Jean-Paul, in this film . Kevin
Kline, is a theif, who has been to Canada to steal a very expensive diamond necklace. On the plane back to France, he meets
up with, Meg Ryan. She is a Canadian girl who has always been very afraid of flying all of her life. But, her Canadian fiancé
goes off on a business trip, and then meets up with a French girl ,and falls in love with her, so Meg plucks up all of her
courage to go and find him. Meg, doesn't want, Kevin, to sit next to her on the plane, he is loud, he is French, and he
smells of cigarettes. But he's sat next to her anyway, and they engage in a conversation, it's mostly, Kevin, taking the piss
out of, Meg, and what he thinks her love life is like. He manages to get her into the air with his arrogant manner by making
her very angry, so she doesn't realise that they have taken off. Jean, isn't in this very much, but he is a
true gentleman as a policeman. There is some really good funny bits, some pretty bits and a really nice story through and
through, a true girly film. Although, I must say, I do cringe at, Megs, performance at being angry in, Bobs, flat when she
realises he's gotten rid of her Vitamins, her acting leaves a lot to be desired. Cast and Director: Cast:
Meg Ryan ... Kate Kevin Kline ... Luc Timothy Hutton ... Charlie Jean Reno ... Jean-Paul François Cluzet ...
Bob Susan Anbeh ... Juliette Renée Humphrey ... Lilly Michael Riley ... Campbell Elisabeth Commelin ... Claire Director:
Lawrence Kasdan
