Nikita, is a young drug addict girl who gets into trouble with the law after a bloody hold up in a Chemist/Pharmacists.
She has been condemned to death, but instead of killing her, or then interring her, as they had said they done, or putting
her into a mental institution, they offer her the opportunity to work as a secret agent for france instead.It's not a bad
film, but our, Jean, only gets around ten minutes max in this film. He's the bad guy, victor, but he actually works for the
government as a 'cleaner', he gets rid of the dead bodies by dumping them into an acid baths. This is actually the film that
gave, Luc Besson, the idea for the part of 'Leon' in The professional.
Cast and Director:
Anne Parillaud ... Nikita
Jean Hughues-Anglade ... Marco
Tcheky Karyo ... Bob
Jeanne Moreau ... Amande
Jean Reno ... Victor
Luc Besson
