This is Jean Reno

The birth of The Pink Panther

Fly Boyz
The Da Vinci code
Hotel Rwanda
La Tigre e la neve
L'Empire des loups
The birth of The Pink Panther
L'enquête Corse
Les anges de l'apocalypse
Tais toi!
Décalage horaire
Just visiting
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Le couloirs du temps
Un amour de sorcière
Roseanna's Grave
Le Jaguar
Mission Impossible
Les souers de soliel
Par de la nuages
French kiss
Les Truffes
Les visiteurs
Flight from justice
La vis
L'Operation Corned Beef
Loulou graffiti
L'homme au masque d'Or
Zone rouge
Le grand bleu
I love you
Strictement personnel
Le dernier combat
Notre histoire
Signes extériers de richesse
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La passante du sans-sourci
On n'est pas des anges...elles non plus
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The birth of the Pink Panther (2004)

Movie set for Release on the week of July 11th, 2005, this is reportedly the sequel to the original Pink Panther film starring the great Peter Sellars.
Personally, I think that Jean should have been Clouseau, he even looks a little similar to Peter Sellars, and for the last few years I have said that they could revive the Pink Panther films using Jean Reno as Inspector Clouseau, at least he's actually French too!.. I've got to be honest here Jean, being cleanshaven in this film doesn't do much for your sexy image.
The story is:
A world-famous soccer coach has been murdered and his priceless ring has been stolen. The ring is set with a stunning diamond known as the Pink Panther. The French government wants a master detective to solve the crime and recover the gem... but the one they want isn't  available, so in comes Inspector Jacques Clouseau to solve the case.
Our Jean plays Ponton, who is employed as Clouseaus driver, but who is in actual fact a secret Policeman sent to spy on Clouseau and his antics.

Cast and Director:
Steve Martin ... Clouseau
Beyonce Knowles ...
Kevin Kline ... Dreyfuss
Jean Reno ... Ponton
David Beckham ... Football player
Emily Mortimer ...
Kristin Chenoweth ...
Henry Czerny ...
Shawn Levy






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